7 reasons why traveling alone brings you personal growth

Before my 30s I never thought about traveling. Least of all traveling solo. When I would go on vacation I would be with a friend and if I didn’t have anyone to go with I just didn’t go at all. Really, the thought of going alone never crossed my mind, not even once. And I don’t know why. Maybe I was scared or maybe because no one around me was doing it. I didn’t know anything about it. I didn’t know what kind of personal growth it could bring a person.

When I was 30 my grand mother died. I think it was then I realized this was my moment. Maybe I felt I needed it at that time. The day I went to see her to say goodbye I booked a one way ticket. The week after I gave notice at my work and 3 months later I left. With the intention of not coming back.

I had some idea about the world and all the different cultures, but these months brought me so much more than that understanding. It helped me grow as a person. Traveling alone can be a catalyst for personal growth and here are 7 reasons why.

You learn to rely on yourself

All the decions you have to make, about choosing a place to stay, where to book a bus ticket, where to eat (or not to eat), what excursions to go on, you make them by yourself. You are responsible for your trip and the experiences. And when something unexpected happens you have to deal with that too. It makes you self reliant.

You overcome your fears

You’re in a new place, where you don’t know anyone. You get the chance to go on adventures you wouldn’t normally sign up for. These adventures can make you overcome fears and help you realize what you’re capable of. When I was in Vietnam I went canyoning in Da Lat. Abseiling, cliff jumping, hiking, rappelling down waterfalls and natural water slides. It was scary and I don’t think I’ll ever do it again, but it was the most exciting experience during my travels.

You learn how to deal with stressful situations

When you’re traveling it’s inevitable that you’ll face challenges or stressful situations. When you’re by yourself you’re forced to deal with these head-on. This will definitely enhance your problem-solving skills and ability to handle challenges.

You become more self aware

Traveling alone gives you time to reflect. Because you’re away from your own, trusted environment and the distractions from every day life, you have the opportunity to look at your life and think about what you really want. This can lead to more clarity about life and the decisions your making.

It gives you new perspectives

When you’re traveling you learn about the world. There is so much more than your own country, culture and language. Immersing yourself in another culture and getting to know the people can bring you new perspectives. It can also challenge your preconceptions and give you a whole new view of the world.

You realize your are the best company

When you’re traveling alone there will be times when you’re by yourself. During these times you are your own company. For me this was one of the biggest realizations. It took some time, but I learned how to enjoy my own company. It helped me feel comfortable to go out by myself whenever I wanted to. Ask for a table for one, or a seat at the bar without feeling alone or sad.

You realize introverts travel too

When I left I thought I would have the hardest time meeting people, because I am an introvert and I find it difficult to just start talking to people. I learned I was okay being myself everywhere I went. You will attract people. And it’ll be people that respect your vibe and energy.


I love traveling, exploring the world, meeting new people, festivals in summer, enjoying good wine with my friends and writing and sharing my thoughts with the world.


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